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  1. Turn the page
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A song about the difficulty of moving forward from a bad situation, and leaving negativity behind.



The air; it was thicker than I would have spread myself.
This ugly situation: Stress on mental health.
With all who are around me, under the same roof:
The brave anticipation carry’s us all through.

Time to turn the page, and see what lies ahead.
Time to turn the page; the rest has not been read.

We soldiers of misfortune, line-up in a row. It’s not that we won’t do it. We’ve nowhere else to go.
The masks; well they protect us from showing our own skin. We burn behind their shadows that never let you in.

Time to turn the page, and see what lies up ahead,
Time to turn the page, the rest has not been read.
Time to turn the page, to see what must be said,
Time to turn the page, and lay that tale to bed.

Beware you’re getting thinner, right before my eyes.
Miss ‘Pretty-as-a-Picture’ makes me realize... it’s...